Sunday, April 12, 2009

I want to plant bulb flowers. Can I plant the bloomed plants or do I have to wait til they are just bulbs?

I love tulips, iris, daffodills, etc., and I would like to see them pop up in the spring. I would like to get some bloomed plants and plant them in my yard. Do I have to do anything special to them when they die off? HELP! I am lost as to the right proticol on bulb flowers.

Would appreciate any and all help I can get!



FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy Flowersyou need to wait until fall, after the first frost, dig the bulbs and replant them. easier to just buy a few bulbs in the fall and plant them, either way they should be planted in late fall or early winter
Reply:As long as you dont have a %26quot;flower%26quot; on them at the time of planting, you shouldnt have any problems...

I wish you well..


What flowers and plants grow well in a place with a medium amount of sunlight?

I live in an apartment and my balcony faces north and is surrounded by big trees. It does get some sunlight but not a lot. I don%26#039;t want fake plants. What%26#039;s my best bet for plants and flowers that will survive in this condition.
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersGerbera Daisies flourish in a partly to mostly shade environment. They like well drained soil that won%26#039;t retain moisture for long periods of time and they don%26#039;t like to be watered very frequently either. Their flowers last for weeks if not months and if you don%26#039;t over fertilize them they%26#039;ll produce new flowers all season long.

Growing them from seeds, however is no task for beginners so I%26#039;d recommend choosing plugs, starters or clones for your plants. But with all the amazing colors to choose from, who couldn%26#039;t resist. I love them for cuttings to, especially the 9%26quot; Californian varieties.
Reply:Saintpaulias. Phalaenopses. Gloxinias.

Google to see what they look like, if you are not familiar.
Reply:It depends on if you want annuals or perennials. Annuals on a balcony are probably your best bet. Gerbera daisy%26#039;s like the other person said are good, also impatiens are great in shade and fuchsias which are gorgeous. You can find impatiens and fuchsias in baskets at least where I live you can. All three of these flowers have wonderful colors, hope that helped. Oh, you can also buy smaller pots of these or flats and make your own arrangements in larger pots and baskets.affiliate

Which flowers and plants need the most water?

The bottom of our garden is like a swamp. It does`nt matter what we do, we cant get rid of all the water that accumulates there. If you stand in it you are likely to be ankle deep in mud within seconds. We have heard that there are some plants and flowers that thrive on lots of water. Maybe if we could find out the names, we could plant lots of them and have a wild garden at the bottom. Our garden is 200 feet long by 30 feet wide. About 2 thirds of it is lovely, and have spent years tending to it, but the rest is actually a no go zone. We would much appreciate it if someone could give us an idea.

Many thanks.
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy Flowerselephant ears and cannas grow in ponds and swamps. beautiful foilage on both. also swamp sunflowers are tollerant as well as hibiscuses.
Reply:Plant cattails.....they will actually grow in standing water. I%26#039;m not sure where you are located at but you could plant elephant ears near there (not in permanently standing water) and you could leave them outside in the winter if you are far enough south. Japanese irises do well where it is wet also.super nanny

Small plants with flowers to be grown in a very small pot? any ideas?

I have made 2 small fridge magnet plant pots for fathers day, and i need to find some sorta plant to grow it it. they need to be easy to maintain and grow and will germinate from seed withing a week.

i would prefer to have smal flowers than just plain plants. any ideas???

FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersThere are some very small flowering plants that most people consider %26#039;weeds%26#039;. Look around your yard real low and you%26#039;ll probably find them. If not check a neighbor%26#039;s yard that isn%26#039;t as well maintained.

A word of warning though, put two sided tape under the magnets to help keep them in place because once the weight of the flowers and the watering and the opening and closing of the door will cause the Magnets to start slipping down the frig.
Reply:You need an Air Fern. They do not require much care and can survive in small disease

Potted plants or flowers for direct sunlight?

I have planted both spider plants and fuschias but neither one can be placed in direct sunlight, or will wilt. I have them on the left side of my porch, but need to place something on the right side of my porch to even things out. Any suggestions? Really could use either plants or flowers as long as they can be potted.
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersPetunias love the sun and are so easy to take care of. I have several pots of them on my front porch. They are so colorful and easy to take of care. I just love them. Allysum is another great flower for flower pots or boxes.

Good Luck!
Reply:Try Geraniums there are great colors, with some type of a trailing flowering plant in front for contrast. I did this in a small whiskey barrel in red, white %26amp; blue. Mandivilla is also good and with different color flowers, and can be brought in when cold weather comes. Another thought is Roses there are some that can be placed in containers, or in the ground.
Reply:alot of plants require full sun just look around at a flower store and read the tags that tell how much sun they need.
Reply:Begonias, petunias, marigolds, geraniums, vinca and dianthis are all good choices. Think of the color scheme you want and go from there!nanny

Watering flowers and plants?

My husband will not allow me to water plants and flowers in the yard or on the porch during the day. Says it is not good for flowers and plants until dusk or dawn. I ask him......... what about when it rains during the day? Is that not good either? What about people watering their lawns during the day? They have lawns that look good and green! Please someone help!
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersSome people are very fanatical about this. To save the peace, water in the early mornings.

In hot dry areas, you can water any time you wish because the nights are as hot as the days. But if you live in a cooler climate, it is best to water early in the mornings. This will give your plants time to dry out before night time. Wet leaves at night can sometimes cause plant diseases.

Watering in the middle of a very hot day will cause water evaporation.
Reply:I do it in the morning or during the day.
Reply:I think just the opposite is true. Early in the morning.

Additional information;

Apply water in the cool of the morning or evening when the wind is calm and water loss through evaporation is minimal.

Avoid watering disease-susceptible plants at night. If water sits on plant foliage for hours, it can encourage fungal diseases to attack leaves, buds, flowers, and fruit. Plants susceptible to leaf spots, fruit rots, and flower blights are best watered in the morning, when the warming sun will quickly dry the leaves and discourage fungus development.

I can not remember which plants are susceptible so I like to water in the morning.
Reply:the best time is early in the morning.

definitely not in the middle of the day.

you also should not use those sprinklers that throw the water in the air. it wastes water and does not water the plants properly. usually that kind is best for watering the pavement!!!Shoes

Any ideas for colorful Fall plants and flowers?

I live in Georgia, below Atlanta, and I am looking to plant some new plants for Fall to replace the flowers I planted in the Spring. I am looking for something to plant around my mailbox, and around a large flower bed that will tolerate frost, but has a vibrant color, preferabbly in the red family. I would like to do either flowers or plants. The area is mostly full-sun right now. I am thinking of picking up something at Lowes or Home Depot. Also, when should I plant for Fall?
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy Flowerstry getting Hardy Mums, they have very pretty flowers on them, and they can survive the winter in Missouri so I am sure they will live there.
Reply:Mums are your best bet. If you are going to plant for fall, I would suggest you buy mums that are not budded out (flower-wise) quite yet or are just starting. If you wait, it%26#039;s okay to put some out nearer to fall that are just about to bloom or have started blooming. Some people bury the whole pot to hide the fact that the mums were recently planted; some put a bunch of potted or bushel-basketed mums on their front steps as sort of a decorative touch. And yes, most mums you plant will winter-over and come back the next year. (Even some of those indoor, greenhouse grown mums will do this -- you have to experiment.)
Reply:Mums are gorgeous in the fall and thrive when it gets cooler. I also like ornamental cabbage, and that is actually frost resistant. I live in NY, (a hour north of NYC), and my ornamental cabbage last right through December. Pansies also do well in the fall.
Reply:I would go with the mum lady...That is the hardiest fall plant, and you can get it in many colors...I also like fall pansies...They come back to enjoy the fall weather...Many colors in this also...
Reply:For low ground covering - winter flowering pansies - large flower varieties the vibrant colour variation is enormous. They actually flower continuously throughout the year if you don%26#039;t allow the seeds to develop and a light trim every so often to keep its shape compact.

From seed you should be able to start them off now, as long as you protect the seedlings from strong direct sunlight.

autumn fern..

Blanket Flower..

or just about anything that happens to strike your fancy when you see it. Don%26#039;t limit

What sorts of flowers and plants thrive in the northern US?

I recently moved to Maine from Pennsylvania. I%26#039;m going to plant a garden this summer, but I don%26#039;t know what sorts of plants and flowers will do best in the cooler tempetures. Any ideas? I%26#039;m renting the house, so I only need plants that will last one season. (the landlord already okayed the garden, so I don%26#039;t have to worry about that). The house has a small yard bordered by trees on two sides, and a neighbor and a road on the other two, and most of it is very sunny. Its very rich, dark dirt, but its a little rocky. I%26#039;m looking for flowers, vegtables and herbs. I%26#039;m also on a budget, so plants I can grow from seed, or plants that are inexpensive would be the best. Any suggestions would be great! thanks!
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersMaine has several idea gardens open to the public. Hopefully one will be near you.

All-America Selections in Maine is in Stillwater

University of Maine, Rogers Farm

If you like purple the 2006 winning plants include %26quot;Supra Purple%26quot; dianthus, a 12-inch tall annual loaded with lacy red-violet flowers; %26quot;Perfume Deep Purple%26quot; nicotiana, a compact, 20-inch tall annual with fragrant, deep purple, star-shaped flowers; %26quot;Evolution%26quot; salvia, a mid-height annual with spikes of rich violet flowers; %26quot;Black Pearl%26quot; ornamental pepper, a great garden or container plant with deep purple-black foliage and small, glossy, purple-black fruit; and, believe it or not, %26quot;Purple Haze%26quot; carrot, noted for its sweet flavor as well as its startling purple flesh.

Another annual flower winner, %26quot;Diamonte Coral Rose%26quot; diascia, loves cool weather and is a great choice for patio containers or hanging baskets. For hot, sunny gardens, check out %26quot;Zowie! Yellow Flame%26quot; zinnia, a 24- to 30-inch tall annual with striking red and yellow bicolor flowers.

The other 2006 AAS vegetable award winners will have you thinking about salsa. %26quot;Carmen%26quot; is an Italian-type sweet pepper that matures to a deep red color. %26quot;Mariachi%26quot; is a mildly hot chile pepper with loads of cone-shaped fruit that can be used in the yellow or fully mature red stage. %26quot;Delfino%26quot; cilantro has the same flavor as other cilantros but it sports attractive finely-cut foliage that looks great in the herb garden or in containers.

Maine Garden Day 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Central Maine Community College

Auburn, Maine

Berkshire Botanical Garden

Routes 102 and 183

Stockbridge, MA 01262
Reply:Annuals will be the cheapest and fastest growing and maintain flowers for the summer/fall season. Marigolds,petunias,pansies,sunflowers,in... buttons,alyssum,cosmos just to name a few. Veggies would be cukes,beets,radishes,lettuce,tomatoes,co... for starters. Just about everything you grew in Pa. you can grow in New England. Just the planting season is later(usually Memorial day) and the growing season stops with the first frost sometimes end of Sept but usually by Columbus day.
Reply:try going to They have all the cable gardening shows %26amp; can tell you what plants work best in your area. They have sev. pics of plants that will work, %26amp; how to care for them.puppy teeth

Gardening (flowers and plants)?

I am wanting to plant some flowers around my house one side of the house is wet and shady....other side is shade and dry and the other side is sunny...I have bushes in the front so flowers are not needed there...what kind of plants and flowers can I get that will work and bloom and be easy to take care of....

only serious answers please.
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy Flowersfor the sunny, dry side try coneflowers..there are perennials and once established are drought hardy..just water a bit if it is very dry and they will bloom mid summer till they come back bigger and better every year...there are several colors and flower types that have been created over the last few yrs and the newer the flower type the higher the price

for shade try ferns, begonias, bleeding heart, columbine and astibille just to name a few..also azalea%26#039;s like shade with very little sun and moist ground

for dry shady areas try liriope aka monkey grass..very easy to take care of and each spring you just take the lawn

mower through and cut tops off...

read up on whatever flowers you choose..some will have to be lifted and stored in the fall in a cool dark place while others can be left in the ground..they will either reseed themselves or the plant will come back bigger and better

good luck and happy gardening

sorry couldnt be of more help but i have almost full sun to most areas except for a gets early morning sun and late evening sun..the other gets late evening sun

go into google and type in for instance-----plants for moist shady areas + your state??....for each search type in the areas you want to put plants and you will get many returns on the types of flowers recommended and also type in your state in each search...i did that for mine and there was a link especially for kentucky
Reply:Impatients are great for shade and any kind of soil. Water if needed, they will do really well and spread out some to fill in. Dianthus is a good one for sun. They will spread out and come back every year. You have to dead head them occasionally but will keep blooming pretty much all summer. Sweet william is the same. They usually come back as well. I know Hostas like shade or sun. They will grow in either. That%26#039;s about all I know for shade. Anything pretty much will grow in sun. Good luck.
Reply:I just want to find out how to get to this place Can anyone tell me when they give me this address I can%26#039;t get threwReebok

Does planting plants and flowers outside do the same as planting trees?

I can%26#039;t plant trees because I don%26#039;t know how, but could I plant a seed for plants and flowers? Like would that do good for the environment like how planting tree would?
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersAll green matter helps the enviroment....but planting trees are a MUCH better option...they shade and thus cool yards/house....they hold the soil in place(fighting erosion)....they take in and process MUCH more carbon dioxide(and other pollutants)

Planting a tree is east you just dig a hole 2-3 3 times as big as the root ball(make sure to take off burlap wrap or the pot!)....put in the hole....fill around with dirt....water...simple!

The important part is choosing the right tree( a LOCALor Native is the best choice),,,,,,,to do this just contact your local county extension office.
Reply:If you plant a tree, be sure to stake it so that the wind does not blow it around and the root ball become loose and dry out. Report It

Reply:Absolutely. Every living plant contributes to the environment by obsorbing carbon dioxide and through transpiration. Planting a tree is just about as easy as planting seeds, let%26#039;s say you%26#039;ve picked a location for a tree, taking into consideration that over the years the tree will grow larger it%26#039;s important to note any interference its root system may involve, such as sidewalks, patios leach systems etc. Once you%26#039;ve determined the location all you need to do is visit your local nursery, there are many varieties in different sizes and your nursery man can give you tips on this as well.
Reply:actually most trees are just as easy as most flowers plus they last longer. I think you should plant a tree depending on the size of your yard
Reply:Yes it does and good for you. Kep up the good work and spread the word.
Reply:A good tree will grow big and could last hundreds of years, very few smaller plants will do that.

On the other hand planting trees is very easy, one only has to remember that you want the tree to be put somewhere it will be good to be for hundreds of years.

Something I do that you can too is to plant the seeds of the fruit you eat in small containers (like paper cups) with dirt and put them outside. Many will not grow, some will grow easily. Then you will not only have trees you will have fruit trees!

PS you can do this with vegetables as wellloan

Want to find seeds in flowers and plants?

i want to find seeds from flowers and plants. at the end of the season i know plants and flowers product there own seeds can any one give me an idea where to look for the seeds on a plant or flower. i want to start collecting my own seeds for next season. i am new to garden i did my first no dig garden this year but i brought all the seeds and plants next year i want to see if i can save seeds from those plant and flowers and plant them next year. i have tomato, peppers, rashes, marigolds,moon plants, herbs, onion, squash, cumcumbers, but i also would like to know about how i can pick seeds from other plants. thanks for your help
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersMy wonderful answer just got wiped out somehow, so I am just going to give you a link to a good website. Be sure to read the facts and tips on the page, too. And I would forget about getting seeds from vegetables (just buy new seeds from a good source). The marigolds and herbs may be easier.
Reply:Reasonable question for a newbie.

Flowers turn into seeds, period.

Some plants have seed pods, this is the tomato you eat or the cucumber. Some of these seed pods you do not eat, such as some of plants we have for flowers.

Lillies, iris and the such are usually propagated by the roots.

I have been separating last years seeds,and seed pods. Here is a pic (if it comes through) the flower pod to the left is a flower that is done blooming, leaving this will produce nice seeds which I am sure is in my seeds dried and ready for planting this year....
Reply:im sure there are plenty of websitesc++

Does pollination always take place inside the blooms of plants, flowers?

And can anyone give a simple version of the process of pollination?

I understand that bees , insects carry the pollen from one flower or plant to the other while in search of the nectar that blooms produce , and then after the pollen is placed on the bloom of another, how does it go from there?

thanks for your answers!
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersThe highly compacted answer: The pollen from the stamens must reach the female part of the flower, the pistil. (either by wind or by pollinating insects or in some cases the flower does the job itself) The tip of the pistil is the stigma (think sticky). The pollen lands on the stigma and grows down the pistil%26#039;s style to the flower%26#039;s ovary where the eggs are located (ovules). Once it arrives in the ovary it fertilizes the egg. At this point the ovary (womb) begins changing. Simply, it becomes the fruit around the seeds. The seeds are the only part that are the result of the union between the male pollen and female eggs. When the eggs finish developing the fruit breaks, rots, dries and cracks whatever, releasing the seeds.
Reply:I think for ferns, pollination may occur on the ground, in water puddles, not sure about this (botany class was wayyyyyyy back in 1984).

As I recall, plant sexual reproduction was so different from animals, that it was hard to learn. for example, we are diploid, meaning we have paired sets of chromosomes, but for plants, they are haploid, one set of chromosomes. so that whole reproduction thing is necessarily different. You really need to get a book on this, or find a botany website.

seed scattering: air will disperse some (dandelion), animals eat berries with seeds, or nuts (strawberries have tiny seeds on the surface, acorns and other nuts), strawberry seeds are mostly indegestible, so the seeds sprout in animal dung, squirrels forget where they hide the acorns so some grow, jack pine cones will blow up in a forest fire, ejecting the seeds explosively, jewelweed has a built in spring loaded way to throw out its seeds. Thistles and other burrs stick to animal hides, then fall off later. Don%26#039;t forget water plants, their seeds can just float thru the water. A few ideas for you, there.
Reply:Well a lot of time birds and bees are part of it, but some plants have spores like ferns and they shoot them out, but like big trees such as pines, have cones and those have to drop a female cone (the large pine cone) onto the ground, and the smaller ones (the male cones) explode and hopefully a piece of them will fall into the female cone on the ground and a tree will grow. You can even pollinate flowers with a cue tip, I have to do this at home, it%26#039;s actually one of my chores, to pollinate the pear-apple tree because when i pollinate it, i will be producing more fruit. I don%26#039;t know if i answered your question, but that%26#039;s just some basic information...hope it helped!

male parts---pollen on tassels

female parts--silks on future ear of corn

pollen produced on tassels and moved by wind to the silks.

very simplified...

a pollen grain lands on a silk, travels down the silk which is a tube and fertilizes the female part and then develops into a kernel of finance

How can we add some curb appeal to our house by adding flowers, plants, etc in California?

I want to do something to add curb appeal to our house in California but I%26#039;m clueless on gardening. What kind of flowers, plants, small trees, etc add a good look but is easy to maintain and will look decent year round? We have an area with dirt that is ready to be added too, but we don%26#039;t know what to add. This area doesn%26#039;t get much direct sunlight, but does get weeds ( which I pull by hand). Another question is, does roundup really work and does it keep the weeds away or am I better off using elbow grease? Any suggestions are helpful!!
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersYou can%26#039;t go wrong with Sago Palms but they do need some sunlight. Mexican Fan Palms would spruce the place up nice as well. Put out some stepping stones, a water fountain, a concrete bird bath, bird feeders; seeds and hummingbird feeders, a Koi pond etc.
Reply:Since you do not know about gardening as of yet, have a professional do the job for you. Be sure to ask them how to do up-keep on it after they are finished. Also ask them if they will put in plants that do not need constant care, but can pretty much take care of themselves. Look under Landscapers or Yard Designers in the telephone book. OR go to a nursery and talk with the manager. Don%26#039;t be shy, that is how they make their money.

If you do want to become a gardener, go to the library or a book store and buy a book on Beginner Gardening.

Yes, RoundUp does work. Be sure not to get it on anything else or it will kill everything that it touches. A landscaper can fix this for you too. It is worth the money if you are not a home gardener.
Reply:If you have more shade than sun...Keifer Lilly%26#039;s (orange flowers/yellow flowers), Calla Lilly%26#039;s, Mondo Grass, Squirrels Fern. If you get more sun, Lilly of the Nile, Day Lilly%26#039;s,Boxwoods, Blue Fescue, Mexican Heather. Mother Ferns will grow in shade or indirect sun. After you weed out your bed, plant it, then cover dirt with landscape fabric and wood chips or rock/gravel. This will keep your weeds out and your beds looking neat. Fountains or some type of focal piece (statue,large rock etc.) are great addition. You should not put any type of pond in your front yard for safety/liability reasons.
Reply:Landscape really ads to the value of a home. I like colors that pop when you see them against the color of your house - it makes your home more appealing to the eyes.

For the effort and cost, I%26#039;d plant perrenial shrubs and flowering bulbs. They will bloom year after year and you can find many that have little upkeep. Check out my blog for more information about plants that are right for the zone you live in, for plants ideal for sun, partial sun, or shade, etc. You%26#039;ll also see great photos and get more information that will help you decide on the best choice for you.

Don%26#039;t waste your money on RoundUp, just pull the weeds by hand and put them in a trash bag. RoundUp can seep into the soil and damage good plants around it.visual arts