Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gardening (flowers and plants)?

I am wanting to plant some flowers around my house one side of the house is wet and shady....other side is shade and dry and the other side is sunny...I have bushes in the front so flowers are not needed there...what kind of plants and flowers can I get that will work and bloom and be easy to take care of....

only serious answers please.
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy Flowersfor the sunny, dry side try coneflowers..there are perennials and once established are drought hardy..just water a bit if it is very dry and they will bloom mid summer till they come back bigger and better every year...there are several colors and flower types that have been created over the last few yrs and the newer the flower type the higher the price

for shade try ferns, begonias, bleeding heart, columbine and astibille just to name a few..also azalea%26#039;s like shade with very little sun and moist ground

for dry shady areas try liriope aka monkey grass..very easy to take care of and each spring you just take the lawn

mower through and cut tops off...

read up on whatever flowers you choose..some will have to be lifted and stored in the fall in a cool dark place while others can be left in the ground..they will either reseed themselves or the plant will come back bigger and better

good luck and happy gardening

sorry couldnt be of more help but i have almost full sun to most areas except for a gets early morning sun and late evening sun..the other gets late evening sun

go into google and type in for instance-----plants for moist shady areas + your state??....for each search type in the areas you want to put plants and you will get many returns on the types of flowers recommended and also type in your state in each search...i did that for mine and there was a link especially for kentucky
Reply:Impatients are great for shade and any kind of soil. Water if needed, they will do really well and spread out some to fill in. Dianthus is a good one for sun. They will spread out and come back every year. You have to dead head them occasionally but will keep blooming pretty much all summer. Sweet william is the same. They usually come back as well. I know Hostas like shade or sun. They will grow in either. That%26#039;s about all I know for shade. Anything pretty much will grow in sun. Good luck.
Reply:I just want to find out how to get to this place Can anyone tell me when they give me this address I can%26#039;t get threwReebok

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