what can i put in them besides plant food to make them last longer?
i heard of ppl using aspirin, sugar, vinegar.
what works best?
any other house hold items i can use?
Reply:7-UP works great for cut flowers...
Reply:water, that%26#039;s it and dog poo lol. otherwise nothing!
Reply:If you can find old and molding or decaying plants and base the new plant with it then the new plant will live longer. Also you can stick a copper penny into the sides and it will keep it fresh. You really won%26#039;t have to use anything else for the plant if you just keep it watered daily and give it plenty of sunlight, unless it%26#039;s a shade plant. :]] - Sarah
Reply:I%26#039;ve heard of sugar too
i was talking about this a few days ago you can put
like food that you have already eaten like bread, fruits, veggies, those are good for the soil
Reply:I know that it sounds nasty but organic material (decaying Plants) actually helps it live longer.Try puting it in the pot.
Reply:aspirin and vinegar are horrible for all living things... don%26#039;t put them in the ground, please.
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Use banana peels, potato peels, the ends of your celery stalks, the parts of your fish that you don%26#039;t eat...
Dead leaves too...
Those are all good compost materials.
Coffee grounds are ok if you live in an area with alkaline soil but if you have alot of pine trees around then it means your soil is acidic enough... don%26#039;t use the coffee grounds.
Feed your plants regularly. If you want to give them other balanced nutrition, start a compost pile. Otherwise, please don%26#039;t give them things that people consume!
Reply:I have always heard that tea is very good for plants. just black what evers left in the tea pot like. i know this isnt food but my grandmother used to always throw the water from washing the dishes in her rose bushes it never did any harm and always got rid of greenfly.
Reply:same as you said
Reply:you could just but pant food which would work much better but my english teacher always empties his bottle of coke into the flowers outside the classroom!!loan
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