I would like to grow some flowers and plants in my garden, but do not want to use any chemicals, as am also thinking about using my garden to grow some organic veg, that%26#039;s why chemicals are a no.
what nice plants (small and neat) flowers/plants would you recommend besides my veg.
if you nuture habitats for beneficial organisms that help deter problem pests, and enrich your soil to create a living ecosystem of beneficial bacteria and helpful fungi.
If you use compost with composted manure,or fish emulsion for fertilizer ...
you don%26#039;t need artificial fertilizers. Ordinary items like milk can be used as a fungicide; vinegar or boiling water can be used to kill weeds, %26amp; bugs aren%26#039;t a big problem when nature is in balance.
You can grow these beneficial flowers next to your vegetables (as companion plants) to deter pests %26amp; improve their growth:
Nasturtium are good planted with Tomatoes, radish, cabbage, cucumbers; planted under fruit trees; deters aphids %26amp; pests of curcurbits
Geraniums repel cabbage worms and Japanese beetles, plant around grapes, roses, corn, and cabbage.
Marigolds helps most plants, especially tomatoes and peppers, cucumbers, gourds, squash,broccoli, kale, cabbage
Tansy is good for cucumbers, squash, raspberries %26amp; relatives, roses, corn. Repels flying insects, Japanese beetles, striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs and ants
Here%26#039;s a guide to companion plants that go together:
More companion planting information %26amp; list:
Organic Gardening magazine %26amp; its website is a good way to learn more:
Organic Gardening forum:
Good luck!! Hope this helps.
Reply:Thanks for voting! I appreciate that. The great thing about growing your own vegetables is knowing that they aren%26#039;t tainted with nasty pesticides :)
Good luck!!! Report It
Reply:You sure can! :) I work in a greenhouse and I plant a huge garden every year. I don%26#039;t use any chemicals, just compost and cow manure! :) I let mother nature do it%26#039;s thing. There have been times where my cabbages have gotten eaten by caterpillars, but that%26#039;s life! :) Marigolds attract beneficial insects that help keep your garden in order. Chives keep away aphids and moles. Zinnia%26#039;s, dahlias, are a few small plants. :) Hope that helped! Good luck!
Reply:Given that water itself is a chemical compound, I%26#039;m going to have to opt for a %26#039;no%26#039;.
Reply:You can use organic soil fertiliser like pelleted chicken manure for your plants/flowers. If you would like a nice display this year look in your garden centre for bedding plants in the next couple of months. These are often annual and will give a good display this year. You can also start your own compost bin when the flowers die off later in the year to keep the organic theme going. There are so many bedding plants to choose from that it%26#039;s a matter of personal taste. But do try to include French Marigolds (Tagetes) somewhere in your planting as they attract hover-flies which feed on aphids, a well known garden pest.
Reply:aubretia is a low growning colourful plant that grows without artificial chemicals - makes a nice edging that doesn%26#039;t need any cae exzcept a haircut one a year. My dad used to grow annuals to give loads of colour to the edge of his vegetable plot. Salvias, lobelia, allysum, asters, marigolds and petunias - all grew without chemicals..
if you grow the right plants in the right circumstances
marigolds are good near veg cos they attract hover flies which beat up green flies which would trash some veg !!
there is nearly always an organic solution to pests
buy a good book
Reply:Ghostwriter.. I have to tell ya%26#039; the truth: I don%26#039;t know crap about flowers. ..I just got to laughing at the fact that I clicked onto a picture of a skull asking how to grow nice plants %26amp; flowers W/O Chemicals!!!!! No Offense Intended!!!!! KTnTexas
Reply:Gotta agree with Dave, here, you have to at least have some Dihydrogen Monoxide (hydric acid)
Reply:Instead of using water alone, if you have access to horse manure, take some of it and make it %26quot;soupy%26quot; with water and use it to water your flowers. I LOVE PANSIES!! They are easy to care for,a nd they are vibrant and beautiful. Hope this helps. Also too think about making a compost bin this year out of old yard material and veggie scraps. It usually takes a year for it to compost to dirt, but this is also a rich healthy soil.performing arts
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